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大雁塔英语导游词 篇一

dayan pagoda, an ancient tang dynasty pagoda, is a unique symbol of theancient city of xi'an. as one of the eight scenic spots in guanzhong, the bigwild goose pagoda stands high in the ci'en temple in the southern suburb ofxi'an. it is one of the famous buddhist pagodas in china. dayan pagoda scenicspot is a buddhist holy land, which has a close relationship with masterxuanzang, a famous monk of tang dynasty. the story of tang monk's sutraacquisition and translation takes place here. all buddhist temples are templesfor monks to worship, worship and chant buddhist scriptures. what's specialabout dayan pagoda compared with other temples? there are so many eminent monksat all times and in all over the world, so who is tang monk xuanzang? why is thestory of tang monk's scriptures widely spread? today, after you visit thisscenic spot, you will find the answer to the above question.

ladies and gentlemen, we have come to the south square of dayan pagoda. inthe center of the square stands a tall bronze statue of monk xuanzang of tangdynasty. he was dignified, dressed in cassock, holding a staff in hand, withfirm steps, as if he was on the way to the west.

you must have seen journey to the west, one of china's four famous works,and the tv series of the same name adapted from it. is the tang monk in journeyto the west xuanzang? xuanzang, a native of yanshi, henan province, isintelligent and studious. he became a monk at the age of 13. he worshipsclassics and exhausts all kinds of theories. he is well-known in the capital andis known as "the great tool of shimen and the great horse of buddhism." afterstudying all over the country, he found that the sutra was incomplete and therewere many mistakes in it. he decided to go to tianzhu, the birthplace ofbuddhism, which is now india, to explore the essence of buddhism, so as to solvethe doubts and promote buddhism. in the first year of zhenguan (620__), he wentto india to apply for law, but he was not approved by the imperial court. in thethird year of tang zhenguan (620__ ad), he set out from chang'an, along the silkroad, through the gobi desert, where there were no birds on the top and noanimals on the bottom, and traveled westward to tianzhu. he studied buddhism inthe famous nalandao temple for 20__ years. at a grand dharma meeting, xuanzangread out his buddhism it is said that for 18 days in a row, no one could arguewith xuanzang. all the kings invited xuanzang to take the magnificent xiangyuparade. the venue cheered and thundered. the mahayana monks called masterxuanzang "mahayana heaven", the hinayana monks called him "liberation heaven",and the buddhist "heaven" refers to the bodhisattva gods. xuanzang was highlyhonored and respected in india. then he resolutely declined the hospitality ofthe kings and monks and set foot on his way home. in the 19th year of zhenguan(645 ad), xuanzang returned home with a large number of buddhist relics and 657buddhist scriptures. he was warmly welcomed by the emperor taizong and thechinese. when they arrived in chang'an, millions of monks and customs went outto welcome them, which was unprecedented. after returning to china, with thesupport of the tang royal family, he gathered erudite eminent monks from allover the country to form an unprecedented buddhist scripture translation site,and acted as the translator himself. the quality and quantity of translatedbuddhist scriptures are far more than those of their predecessors, which usheredin a new era in the history of translation in china. the author of the book, arecord of the western regions in the tang dynasty, has attracted the attentionof scholars all over the world. it should be said that journey to the west iswritten in the background of xuanlei's going out to the west to seek scripturesin the tang dynasty, but the tang monk in the story does not refer to xuanzang,but a figure in an artistic literary work.

now we come to the gate of the great mercy temple. the main gate of thetemple is called the mountain gate, also called the three gates, which arecalled the empty gate, wuzuo gate and wuxiang gate respectively, symbolizing thethree liberation gates of buddhism. we call becoming a monk "stepping into theempty door" and that's probably where it comes from. you see, the plaque on thedoor is a few glittering characters of "dacien temple" inscribed by comrade __himself.

ci'en temple was originally named wulou temple. in 648 ad, when li zhi,emperor gaozong, was the crown prince, he built a temple for his mother, empresswende, and ordered the temple to be built in jinchangfang, chang'an. facing thehanyuan hall of daming palace in the north, it covers an area of 26570 squaremeters and is surrounded by beautiful scenery. it is the most magnificent andspectacular buddhist temple in chang'an, the capital of the tang dynasty. at thebeginning of the construction of ci'en temple, the imperial court speciallyinvited xuanzang, who came back to chang'an from india, to be the abbot of thetemple. thus, da'ci'en temple became the highest institution of buddhism inchina at that time. after the end of tang dynasty, because of the constant wars,the temple gradually became desolate. after many times of maintenance, it wasnot until the ming dynasty that the scale of today's temple was established.

when we walk into the mountain gate, we can see the confrontation on thesecond floor of the bell and drum. to the east is the bell tower, in which thereis an iron bell. the clock was cast in the 27th year of jiajing reign of theming dynasty (1548 ad). it is 3.4 meters high and weighs 15 tons. it has fourbig characters of "morning bell of wild goose pagoda". to the west is the drumtower, in which there is a big drum. the bell and drum are important tools ofbuddhism, which are used to summon monks to do rituals. it is also an importanttime tool. monks in the temple wake up at the bell and sleep at the drum everyday.

now we come to visit the main hall of the temple. the main hall is thecentral building of the temple. there are sakyamuni's three body buddha in thehall. the middle one is dharma buddha piluzana buddha. dharma buddha refers tothe pure body of buddha's nature. the west one is paoshen buddha lushena buddha.paoshen buddha means to obtain the buddha's fruit and perfect body. the east oneis yingshen buddha. yingshen buddha refers to all changeable bodies and theuniversal body. on both sides of the three body buddha are sakyamuni's kaya andananda, and on both sides are eighteen arhats.

on the west wall of the main hall, there are several steles of "yan ta timing ji". "yanta inscription" began in the tang dynasty. all the top scholars inthe chang'an examination had to have a banquet in qujiang first, and thengathered together to inscribe the name of the big yanta. they thought it was avery glorious thing to inscribe the name of the big yanta, and they thought thatthey could ascend step by step by climbing the big yanta. bai juyi, a poet ofthe tang dynasty, wrote a poem here after he was admitted as a jinshi in theexamination: "the youngest of the seventeen people is at the title under thetower of mercy." it's a good story for a while.

on the north side of the hall is the sutra collection building of fatang(two floors). on the upper floor is the sutra collection building, whichcontains the scriptures translated by xuanzang. on the lower side is the fatang,where the monks preached. there is a statue of amitabha in it. amitabha is incharge of the western paradise. that is to say, if you recite amitabhawholeheartedly before you die, you will be led to the paradise by him after youdie, so it is also called "jieyin buddha". there are also three rubbings in thedharma hall, one of which is the picture of xuanzang's negative collection, andon both sides are the portraits of his two great disciples yuancha and peepingji. xuanzang was carrying a basket of buddhist scriptures on his back. he waswalking on the road of collecting buddhist scriptures with buddhist dust in hishands and hemp shoes on his feet. after suffering, only the little oil lamp thatnever went out was with him.

behind the dharma hall is the famous wild goose pagoda. please follow me tovisit.

as for the origin of the name of "wild goose pagoda", there are severalopinions. its name comes from a buddhist story. according to indian buddhistlegend, there were two schools of buddhism, mahayana and hinayana, and hinayanabuddhism did not avoid meat and fishiness. one day, it was bodhisattva givingday, but a monk in a hinayana temple couldn't buy meat for dinner. at this time,a group of geese flew by in the sky. a monk looked at the geese and said tohimself, "today there is no meat in the house. the merciful bodhisattva willnever forget what day it is." before the voice fell, the leading goose foldedits wings and fell to the ground. so the monks in the temple were shocked andthought that it must be the manifestation of bodhisattva. they built a stonepagoda at the site where the wild geese fell. they gave up meat and turned tomahayana buddhism. since then, people have also called bodhisattvas the king ofgeese and pagodas the "geese pagodas.".

the great wild goose pagoda was built with the approval of the imperialcourt by master xuanzang to preserve a large number of buddhist scripturesbrought back from india. master xuanzang personally participated in theconstruction of the tower, which took two years to complete. however, the pagodawas gradually destroyed more than 40 years later because of the erosion of thebrick surface and soil core. later, wu zetian rebuilt the wild goose pagoda inher reign, and there were further repairs in the ming and qing dynasties. whatwe see now is the repaired wild goose pagoda.

dayan pagoda is a typical wooden pavilion style brick pagoda, which iscomposed of tower base, tower body and tasha. its height is 64.7 meters. thepagoda is square cone-shaped, with a total of 7 floors. there are spiral stairsinside. we can climb up the pagoda along the spiral stairs to see the beautifulscenery of the ancient city. now please come up with me.

when we come to the bottom of the dayan pagoda, we can see that the brickniches on both sides of the south gate of the pagoda are inlaid with two steles,preface to the three tibetan holy teachings of the tang dynasty, written byemperor taizong li shimin and emperor gaozong li zhi of the tang dynasty. bothsteles were written by chu suiliang, a famous calligrapher in the tang dynasty,and are the best of the steles in the tang dynasty. next we can visit the firstfloor. let's take a look at the tablets on both sides of the wall. among them,there are two stone tablets, one is the picture of xuanzang's negativecollection, which reflects the process of his scripture acquisition, and theother is the picture of xuanzang's scripture translation, which reflects theprocess of his scripture translation. the pictures of the two steles are vividportraits of master xuanzang's glorious life. now let's start climbing up.please step up the tower and pay attention to safety. on the second floor, wesee a sitting statue of maitreya. you can worship it and make your wish. then weascend the third floor. here is the buddhist relic presented by indian buddhistmonks. all right, let's keep climbing. on the third floor, there are rubbings ofthe original steles of jiwang shengjiao preface and tongzhou shengjiao preface,which are kept in xi'an beilin museum. in the fourth floor, we can see hugefootprints, which are said to be left by sakyamuni when he passed away. it issaid that before his death, sakyamuni went to a small river and said to hisdisciples, "this is the last footprint i left to mankind." after that, hugefootprints were formed. at that time, people vied to pay homage to each other.when xuanzang came to india, he heard this story and went to pay homage to itspecially. he also drew the footprints with a brush when paying homage. what wesee now is carved by xuanzang in his later years. on the fifth and sixth floors,there are xuanzang's poems and calligraphic works of several great poets in thetang dynasty. let's go up to the seventh floor. you can look up and have a lookat the very interesting poems above us. no matter where we start, these wordscan be very smooth. you can read with me, "you have to travel to the west, youhave to travel to the west.". the former worshipers praised the tang monk, whilethe latter was praised by others. " there is also "monk tang has to travel tothe west.". before worshiping the buddha in the west, the predecessors praisedhim. " and so on. no matter from which angle, it can be read as a poem abouttang monk's learning scriptures.

when you climb to the top of the pagoda, do you have a wonderful feeling of"climbing out of the world"? you can see the magnificent scenery of the ancientcity from all sides, which makes you forget to return.

tourist friends, now let's walk slowly down the tower and pay attention tosafety. continue to visit xuanzang sanzang courtyard in the back.

now, everyone comes to the gate of xuanzang sanzang courtyard. xuanzangsanzang courtyard is a group of buildings imitating tang style, which iscomposed of dabianjue hall, prajna hall and guangming hall.

if you want to ask: what are the treasures of da ci'en temple in xi'an? itis the parietal bone relic and buddha bone relic of master xuanzang, becauseboth of them are very precious buddhist relics. we have just seen the buddhistbone relic on the third floor of the dayan pagoda, and a portion of xuanzang'sparietal bone relic is stored in the dabianjue hall of the sanzang academy,where the statue of xuanzang is still worshipped.

there are nearly 400 square meters of exquisite large murals in xuanzang'ssanzang courtyard, reflecting the holy scenery of buddhism and the life story ofxuanzang. in particular, it reflects xuanzang's brilliant life of seeking dharmaand translating scriptures.

in summary, xuanzang's translation is characterized by large quantity, highquality, complete content and new way. xuanzang alone translated 1335 volumes ofbuddhist scriptures. because xuanzang's translation is accurate and reliable,and the original indian sanskrit version on which he bases is lost, xuanzang'stranslation is regarded as "quasi sanskrit version". thus there was the heydayof buddhism in the tang dynasty and a new situation in which many overseaseminent monks entered the tang dynasty to seek dharma. the translation ofbuddhist scriptures in china begins with the translation of buddhist scriptures.xuanzang is a famous buddhist, translator and traveler in the history of ourcountry. at the same time, he is a great patriot who is loyal to the motherland.he also translated laozi, an important ancient chinese philosophical work, intosanskrit and introduced it to india, which promoted the cultural communicationbetween china and india and established the friendship between the twopeoples.

in 20__, xuanzang finally died in yuhua temple in tongchuan. although heasked for simplicity, the emperor buried him in bailuyuan, which is on the bankof chanhe river. people have expressed their admiration and mourning for thisgeneration of eminent monk who sacrificed his life to seek dharma, painstakinglytranslated scriptures, lived a glorious life and died with a reed mat. it hasbecome a buddhist holy land to pay homage to and commemorate xuanzangforever.

关于大雁塔英文导游词 篇二

the big wild goose pagoda 大雁塔 the temple of heaven, literally the altar of heaven (traditional chinese: 天坛; simplified chinese: 天坛; pinyin: tiān tán) is a complex of taoist buildings situated in southeastern urban beijing, in xuanwu district. construction of the complex began in 1420, and was thereafter visited by all subsequent emperors of the ming and qing dynasties. it is regarded as a taoist temple, although the worship of heaven, especially by the reigning monarch of the day, pre-dates taoism.

the temple grounds covers 2.73 km?? of parkland, and comprises three main groups of constructions, all built according to strict philosophical requirements:

the earthly mount (圜丘坛) is the altar proper. it is an empty platform on three levels of marble stones, where the emperor prayed for favourable weather;

the house of heavenly lord (皇穹宇), a single-gabled circular building, built on a single level of marble stone base, where the altars were housed when not in use;

the hall of annual prayer (祈年殿), a magnificent triple-gabled circular building, built on three levels of marble stone base, where the emperor prayed for good harvests.

in ancient china, the emperor of china was regarded as the "son of heaven", who administered earthly matters on behalf of, and representing, heavenly authority. to be seen to be showing respect to the source of his authority, in the form of sacrifices to heaven, was extremely important. the temple was built for these ceremonies, mostly comprised of prayers for good harvests.

each winter solstice the emperor and all his retinue would move through the city to encamp within the complex, wearing special robes and abstaining from eating meat; there the emperor would personally pray to heaven for good harvests. the ceremony had to be perfectly completed; it was widely held that the smallest of mistakes would constitute a bad omen for the whole nation in the coming year.

inside the hall of annual prayer.the temple of heaven is the grandest of the four great temples located in beijing. the other prominent temples include the temple of sun in the east (日坛), the temple of earth in the north (地坛), and the temple of moon in the west (月坛)。

according to xinhua, in early 2005, the temple of heaven underwent a 47 million yuan (5.9 million usd) face-lift in preparation for the 2008 beijing summer olympics and the restoration was completed on may 1st, 2006.

the temple of heaven was registered on the unesco world heritage list in 1998.

关于大雁塔英文导游词 篇三

as the symbol of the old-line xian, big wild goose pagoda is a well-preserved ancient building and a holy place for buddhists. it is located in the southern suburb of xian city, about 4 kilometers (2.49 miles) from the downtown of the city. standing in the da ci'en temple complex, it attracts numerous visitors for its fame in the buddhist religion, its simple but appealing style of construction, and its new square in front of the temple. it is rated as a national key cultural relic preserve as well as an aaaa tourist attraction.

this attraction can be divided into three parts: the big wild goose pagoda, the da ci'en temple, and the north square of big wild goose pagoda.

big wild goose pagodaoriginally built in 652 during the reign of emperor gaozong of the tang dynasty (618-907), it functioned to collect buddhist materials that were taken from india by the hierarch xuanzang.

xuanzang started off from chang'an (the ancient xian), along the silk road and through deserts, finally arriving in india, the cradle of buddhism. enduring 17 years and traversing 100 countries, he obtained buddha figures, 657 kinds of sutras, and several buddha relics. having gotten the permission of emperor gaozong (628-683), xuanzang, as the first abbot of da ci'en temple, supervised the building of a pagoda inside it. with the support of royalty, he asked 50 hierarchs into the temple to translate sanskrit in sutras into chinese, totaling 1,335 volumes, which heralded a new era in the history of translation. based on the journey to india, he also wrote a book entitled 'pilgrimage to the west' in the tang dynasty, to which scholars attached great importance.

first built to a height of 60 meters (197 feet) with five stories, it is now 64.5 meters (211.6 feet) high with an additional two stories. it was said that after that addition came the saying-'saving a life exceeds building a seven-storied pagoda'。 externally it looks like a square cone, simple but grand and it is a masterpiece of buddhist construction. built of brick, its structure is very firm. inside the pagoda, stairs twist up so that visitors can climb and overlook the panorama of xian city from the arch-shaped doors on four sides of each storey. on the walls are engraved fine statues of buddha by the renowned artist yan liben of the tang dynasty. steles by noted calligraphers also grace the pagoda.

as for the reason why it is called big wild goose pagoda, there is a legend. according to ancient stories of buddhists, there were two branches, for one of which eating meat was not a taboo. one day, they couldn't find meat to buy. upon seeing a group of big wild geese flying by, a monk said to himself: 'today we have no meat. i hope the merciful bodhisattva will give us some.' at that very moment, the leading wild goose broke its wings and fell to the ground. all the monks were startled and believed that bodhisattva showed his spirit to order them to be more pious. they established a pagoda where the wild goose fell and stopped eating meat. hence it got the name 'big wild goose pagoda'。

da ci'en temple

da ci'en temple is the home of big wild goose pagoda. in 648, to commemorate the dead virtuous queen, royalty ordered the building of a temple named 'ci'en' (mercy and kindness), for which the status and scale far exceeded all others. today, with an area of 32,314 square meters (38,648.5 square yards), one seventh of the original area, it still retains its grandeur.

before the temple, there stands a statue of hierarch xuanzang, the meritorious hierarch. walking on and across a small bridge, visitors will see the gates of the temple. with guarding lions, the temple seems stately for lions were said to function as talismans.

entering the temple you will see two buildings-bell tower in the east and drum tower in the west. inside the bell tower hangs an iron bell 15 tons (14.76 gross tons) in weight. it was molded in 1548 in the ming dynasty (1368-1644)。 along the central axis are arranged the hall of mahavira, sermon hall, big wild goose pagoda, and the hall of xuanzang sanzang. in the hall of mahavira are three carved statues of sakyamuni, and 18 arhats as well as xuanzang. the sermon hall is where buddhist disciples would listen to a sermon. a bronze statue of amitabha is dedicated and a buddha statue is collected by xuanzang as oblation. the hall of xuanzang sanzang is north of big wild goose pagoda. in this hall are xuanzang's relic and a bronze statue of a seated xuanzang. the inner wall is chiseled with murals depicting this hierarch's story. renowned as the contemporary dunhuang buddhist storehouse praised by unesco, it is the biggest memorial of xuanzang.

north square of big wild goose pagoda

surrounding big wild goose pagoda, the scenery is also quite charming, especially the square north of the da ci'en temple. covering about 110,000 square meters (131563 square yards) plus 20,000 square meters (23920.6 square yards) of water area, it holds many records: in asia, it is the biggest tang-culture square, the biggest fountain and waterscape square, and the largest-scale sculptures area. in the world, it has the most benches, the longest light-belt, and the largest-scale acoustic complex.

the entire square is composed of waterscape fountains, a cultural square, gardens and tourist paths. there you can taste real chinese culture and traditions and fully enjoy the truly attractive views. with reliefs on the theme of the prosperous tang dynasty, 200-meter-long (656-foot-long) sculpture groups, 8 groups of sculpted figures, 40 relievos on the land, and 22 styles of musical fountains, it has become a must-see when you visit big wild goose pagoda.

大雁塔英语导游词 篇四

hello, everyone. welcome to the ancient city of xi'an. today, i'd like toshow you the big wild goose pagoda, the landmark of xi'an.

when it comes to the big wild goose pagoda, i think your first impressionmust be related to the story of monk tang in pilgrimage to the west. in history,monk tang is a real person, and it's also true. the bronze statue we see now isthe tang monk. his common surname is chen. he was born in yanshi, henan provincetoday. his parents died early. when he was 13, he converted to buddhism. at theage of 20, he was given a full precept in chengdu. he had traveled all over theworld and visited famous teachers. in the process of his hard study of buddhism,he felt that there were many different opinions about buddhism and there was noway to understand it. so he came up with the idea of seeking dharma in india. inthe early tang dynasty, he came to india with a large number of businessmen. ittook him 20__ years to travel more than 100000 miles through more than 100countries and regions. it can be said that he had passed the gobi desert where"there are no birds on the top and no animals on the bottom", passed through theflame mountain, and "cooking by hanging kettle and lying on ice". with thisamazing perseverance, he overcame all kinds of difficulties and arrived in indiathere are 657 buddhist scriptures. in 20__ of tang zhenguan, he returned tochang'an. let's look at this bronze statue. tang monk holds a staff in one handand bows in the other hand. his eyes are bright. his pace is calm and hisexpression is firm. he seems to be walking on the long road of learning buddhistscriptures.

[ci'en temple - mountain gate - bell and drum tower - daxiong hall - titleof wild goose pagoda]

next, we'll visit dacien temple. the former name of dacien temple is "wuloutemple". wulou means no worries. when emperor gaozong li zhi was the crownprince of tang dynasty, in order to recommend ming fu to his mother, empresswende, who passed away, and cherish his mother's great kindness, he rebuilt andexpanded the temple here and renamed it dacien temple. now we come to the gateof dacien temple. the main gate of the temple is called shanmen, which is alsocalled sanmen. the empty gate in the middle, wuzuo gate and wuxiang gate on theleft and right sides respectively, symbolize the three liberation gates ofbuddhism. the plaque on the gate is a few big characters of "dacien temple"written by comrade __ himself.

walking into the temple, we can see two small buildings. to the east is thebell tower. inside is an iron bell cast in the jiaqing period of the mingdynasty. it weighs 30000 jin. the patterns, patterns and words on the bell areclearly visible. the front of the bell body is engraved with the words "morningbell of wild goose pagoda". for a long time, "the morning bell of the wild goosepagoda" has been regarded as one of the eight scenic spots in guanzhong. to thewest is the drum tower, in which there is a big drum. the bell and drum are thelarge-scale magic weapons of the temple, which are basically used to tell thetime. monks wake up and sleep when they smell the bell and the drum everyday.

as we go on, what we see is the central building of the whole temple, whichis called daxiong hall. "daxiong" is the honorific name for sakyamuni, in whichsakyamuni's three body buddha is worshipped. first of all, we can see that themiddle one is called dharma buddha viluzana buddha, which means the pure body ofbuddha nature. on the left side is the bodhisattva buddha lushana buddha, whichmeans the body of buddha's fruit is perfect. on the right side is the buddhasakyamuni buddha refers to all changeable bodies, and refers to the body of allliving beings. on both sides of the statue are the disciples of the buddha, withkaya in the east and ananda in the west. there are also statues of manjusribodhisattva and puxian bodhisattva on both sides.

on the west wall of daxiong hall, there are several steles of "yan ta timing ji". the "yan ta ti ming ji" began in the tang dynasty, which is a verypopular custom in the tang dynasty. that is to say, as long as the candidatesare admitted to the new imperial examinations, they have to come to the yan tafor inscription. they feel that it is a very glorious thing to be able toinscribe under the yan ta, and they feel that climbing on the yan ta has beenpromoted step by step since then qingyun, poet bai juyi of tang dynasty, wrote apoem after he was admitted as a scholar in the examination, saying: "theyoungest of the seventeen people is at the title under the tower of mercy".

[fatang - name of dayan pagoda - construction and cultural relics of dayanpagoda - xuanzang sanzang academy]

next, let's visit the dharma hall, which is usually a buddhist preachingplace. in qujiang tourist area, the place we can also visit is equivalent to ourcurrent classroom. in the dharma hall, amitabha, who is in charge of the westernparadise, is worshipped. on the east wall of the dharma hall, there are threerubbings. the middle one is "the picture of xuanzang's collection", whichdescribes xuanzang carrying scriptures and hanging street lamps in front, onboth sides of the rubbings are yuancha and peep ji, two of xuanzang's disciples.yuancha is the grandson of xinluo state, peep ji is the nephew of yuchi gong, afamous general in the early tang dynasty. both of them worship xuanzang as theirteacher, which shows xuanzang's great reputation at that time.

we can see the big wild goose pagoda behind the dharma hall. here i wouldlike to introduce the origin of the name of the great wild goose pagoda. firstof all, it is called "gensuo" in the western regions and "yan" in the tangdynasty, so the name of the wild goose pagoda is pronounced in sanskrit

in the early days of buddhism, there were two schools: mahayana andhinayana. mahayana buddhism abstained from eating meat, while hinayana did not.there is a monastery in mogatuo. the monks of the monastery believe in hinayanabuddhism. one day, when noon is coming, the monks are hungry, and lunch has notbeen settled yet. they complain very much. one monk sees a group of wild geeseflying by in the air, and says jokingly: "we monks haven't eaten meat for manydays. if the bodhisattva has spirit, we should know our predicament! as soon asthe voice falls, we see that the monks of the leading monastery are in troubleno meat for dinner. at this time, a group of geese flew by in the sky. a monklooked at the geese and said to himself, "today there is no meat in the monk'sroom. the merciful bodhisattva will never forget what day it is." before thevoice fell, the leading goose folded its wings and fell to the ground. the monkswere shocked and realized that the tathagata tried to educate them. they kneltdown and buried the goose in the courtyard. he built a pagoda and named ityanta. from then on, he changed his belief to mahayana instead of eating meat.this is the name of yanta. the word "big" is added in front of the word "wildgoose pagoda". first, the building of the pagoda is magnificent; second, thelater jianfu temple pagoda is also called the wild goose pagoda. in order todistinguish it, it is called the big wild goose pagoda and the small wild goosepagoda.

the dayan pagoda was first built in the third year of yonghui reign ofemperor gaozong of tang dynasty. it was designed and built by master xuanzanghimself, and it took two years to complete. at first, the wild goose pagoda wasfive stories, 180 feet high. later, it was seriously damaged. when wu zetiancame, it was rebuilt into seven stories. people often say that "saving one lifeis better than building a seven level putu". probably from this, the big wildgoose pagoda is a masterpiece of buddhist art in china with its simple shape andmagnificent momentum. there are stairs in the tower to spiral up. the brickniches on the east and west sides of the south gate of the tower are inlaid withthe stele of preface to the three tibetan holy religions of the tang dynastywritten by emperor taizong li shimin and the stele of preface to the threetibetan holy religions of the tang dynasty written by emperor gaozong li zhi.both steles were written by chu suiliang, a famous calligrapher in tang dynasty,and are known as "two saints and three unique steles".

next, we will visit "xuanzang sanzang courtyard", which is a group ofimitative tang dynasty buildings. the whole courtyard is composed of threeparts: guangming hall in the west courtyard, dabianjue hall in the middlecourtyard and prajna hall in the east courtyard. the brilliant life of masterxuanzang is divided into two stages and displayed to the world at threedifferent levels. the guangming hall in the west courtyard shows the experienceand moving deeds of the master from his birth to his forty years old the contentof prajna hall in dongyuan is the grand welcome of master xuanzang's going backto the east to get the scriptures and encourage him to translate, spread andspread the scriptures until his death, which is called "the stage of translatingand spreading the scriptures". the middle dabianjue hall shows the religiousbackground of the historical event of "xuanzang's going back to the east" with adeeper connotation.

[dayan pagoda north square - tang furong garden - qujiang ocean museum -hanyao - hu hai tomb]

dayan pagoda has been the place of qujiang since ancient times. let's visitseveral other famous scenic spots in qujiang tourist area.

first of all, let's visit the north square of the great wild goose pagoda.this is a theme square highlighting the great wild goose pagoda, the great ci'entemple and the culture of the tang dynasty. it was built in 20__. it is composedof the fountain water scenic area, the relief scenic area of the tang dynasty,the east-west pedestrian street of the tang dynasty, and the tang poetry gardenarea. it has the largest music fountain in asia. it has become the "cityreception hall" and "city card" of xi'an.

next, we come to tang furong garden. it was built on tang furong gardensite, completely imitating the architectural form of tang dynasty royal garden.it was built in 20__ and opened to tourists. it covers an area of 1000 mu, witha total investment of 1.3 billion yuan. there are many tang style buildings,such as ziyunlou, fengming jiutian opera house, luyu tea house, ladies' hall,etc. it has the largest water screen film in the world. it is the first themepark in china to show the culture and style of the tang dynasty in an all-roundway, and is known as the "no.1 theme park of the tang dynasty in the world". inqujiang tourist area, we can visit qujiang aquarium. it is the largest aquariumin western china, covering an area of 90 mu with a total investment of 350million yuan. it is mainly composed of dolphin performance hall, ocean sciencemuseum, tropical rainforest museum, undersea tunnel and underwater grand viewgarden. we can also visit hanyao, the place where the love story between xuepinggui and wang baochuan took place, and the tomb of qin ii hu hai, which wasburied as a civilian.

all right, my friends, this is the end of my explanation. thank you!

大雁塔英文导游词 篇五

good morning, ladies and gentlemen. i’m your local guide 。 here we arrive at the big wild goose pagoda. this is the cultural coordinate of the qujiang new district and a landmark building in the ancient city of xi'an. the sceneries are including the big wild goose pagoda, the da ci’en temple and the south and north squares.

in the center of the south square is the bronze statue of monk xuan zang.wearing a cassock, holding the staff, presenting a imposing appearance, we can simplely imagine , the master xuan zang are on a hard journey , firmly in pursuit of truth. behind it are the da ci’en temple and the big wild goose pagoda.


originally built in the sui dynasty, the temple was named wulou temple. then, crown prince li zhi of the tang dynasty, in order to commemorate his mother, sponsored a repair project on the temple and named it da ci’en temple. it was a typical mahayana temple for the royal family. the da ci’en temple was destroyed in a war at the end of the tang dynasty. only the pagoda was left intact. the present buildings in the temple were built in the ming dynasty. but now it covers only one seventh of the original area it did in the tang dynasty.

大慈恩寺来名 损毁 再建

now look at the 3 main entrance gates. in chinese, we call it “shan men” means mountain gate. in the ancient times the buddhist temples were usually built among the mountains.


walking north forwards, there are two small buildings. the one on the east side houses a bell, and the one on the west side houses a drum. the bell and drum towers are the (characteristic) landmarks of a temple. they were used to mark time for the monks in the temple. the bell is rung in the morning and the drum is struck at dusk.


the great hall is the center of the temple. inside it, there are three buddhas of sakyamuni. the one in the middle is called fashen buddha, which means the truth and law. the one on the west side is called baoshen buddha, and the one on the east side is called yingshen buddha.


after we visiting the great hall, we come to another core building--- the doctrine chamber(法堂)where the amitabha buddha is worshiped. it is said that at the word of the amitabha buddha, one will be led to paradise upon his death. this rubbing is called “xuan zang on his way back to chang’ an”。 (负芨图) with rolls of scriptures on his back, a pair of straw sandals on his feet and an oil lamp on top of the rolls, xuan zang is making his way back to the capital.

well, let’s know something about the famous monk in chinese history, xuan zang. he was both a great translator and traveler. he had spent 17 years in india studying buddhism. and when he came back to chang’an, he had taken back more than 600 volumes of buddhist scriptures. his “travel in the western regions” was based on what he had witnessed in about 128 countries and regions. and xuan zang stayed in the da ci’en temple for 12years and translated more than 1000 volumes of buddhist scriptures. in prise of the master’s dedication to buddhism, emperor tai zong and the crown prince li zhi respectively built two famous tablets for him.

玄奘简介 经书 两个碑

now we come to the foot of the big wild goose pagoda. originally the pagoda was a five-story construction. and then it increased to be ten stories. but the war made the pagoda almost to ruins, so it was rebuilt with a seven-story structure. this pagoda is an architectural marvel. it was built with layers of bricks but without any cement in between. it’s indeed a good reflection of people’s wisdom and talent in ancient china.


well, engraving autographs on the walls of the big wild goose pagoda became the custom in the mid-tang dynasty. all the successful candidates who passed the imperial examinations would climb up the pagoda and write poems and inscriptions to indicate that he would have a soaring career in the future. the poem from the famous poet bai juyi is especially widely known by us. now we can still climb the pagoda and enjoy the sight of the old capital.

大雁塔英文导游词 篇六

welcome to here, let me to introduce for everybody!

"see china in five hundred, please come to beijing, want to see china in five thousand, please go to xi 'an", see this you should know the history of the xi 'an long, xi 'an was the capital of 13 dynasties, is also one of the seven ancient capitals in china, together with athens, cairo, rome more is known as the "world's four major ancient civilization"。 xian, called chang 'an. around xian imperial mausoleum, palace ruins, ancient temple of acquainting and garden scenic spots, is a treasure trove of xi 'an became a history and culture, numerous cultural relics to reveal it once had the brilliant and deep rich historical and cultural charm. is in such a city, in this you can feel the chinese for thousands of years of vicissitudes of life change, and the development of the chinese civilization and the greatest of the chinese nation.

in beijing on january 14, 20xx, the national 5 a-class tourist scenic spot of opening ceremony, the xi 'an qujiang wild goose pagoda? datang furong garden scenic spot success promotion national 5 a grade scenic spot, become after the terra cotta warriors, huaqing pool and runs in our province, the fourth national 5 a-class tourist scenic spot, is the first company in xi 'an city 5 a level scenic area, is the first regional, many attractions whole packaging promotion national 5 a grade scenic spot.

xi 'an qujiang wild goose pagoda? datang lotus park scenic area is located in the core region of xi 'an qujiang newly developed area, with a total area of 3.8 square kilometers, is china's only journal theme scenic spots. there are tang changan xuan zang translated by land, day - the temple of buddhism; xi 'an landmarks, one thousand sites - wild goose pagoda; architectural landscape, nature, save big tang temple ursa major temple tang big temple ruins park base sites; china's first comprehensive display of tang style park - datang furong garden; in the tang dynasty qujiangchi site for dating, followed the open cultural experience of landscape pattern of the park - park qujiangchi sites; after 1400 years of wind and rain of the tang dynasty city wall ruins, restore reproduce the character of the tang dynasty and the tang dynasty as the theme of the artistic conception of tang dynasty city wall ruins park; there is asia's largest matrix water dance music square, leisure culture of great wild goose pagoda scenic area, dazzle beautiful tang yin and datang city that never sleeps.

cultural and historical resources of the scenic spot, beautiful scenery and pleasant environment, everywhere embodies the concept of environmental protection and humanistic care, has become a new card in xian city, the ancient capital tourism new brand. visitors enter the scenic area, every footprint walk on site, every journey to complete the dialogue with history.

大雁塔英语导游词 篇七

the big wild goose pagoda is located in the dacien temple in the southernsuburb. it is a famous ancient building in china and is regarded as the symbolof the ancient capital xi'an. it is said that after the tang monk came back fromindia (ancient india), he specialized in translating and collecting scriptures.due to the imitation of the indian wild goose pagoda, it is named the wild goosepagoda. later, a small wild goose pagoda was built in jianfu temple of chang'an.in order to distinguish it, people called the pagoda of ci'en temple big wildgoose pagoda and jianfu temple small wild goose pagoda. the dayan pagoda issquare in plane and is built on a platform about 45 meters square and 5 metershigh. the tower has seven floors, the bottom floor is 25 meters long, and theheight from the ground to the top is 64 meters. the body of the tower is made ofbricks, which are hard to grind. there are stairs in the tower, which can spiralup. there is an arched entrance on each side of each floor, which can be viewedfrom afar. chang'an has a panoramic view. at the bottom of the tower, there arestone gates on all sides, and there are exquisite line carved buddha statues onthe masts. it is said that it was written by yan liben, a great painter of thetang dynasty. in the brick niches on both sides of the south gate of the pagoda,there are two stone tablets, the preface to the great tang sanzang holy religionand the preface to the sanzang holy religion, written by chu suiliang, one ofthe four great calligraphers in the early tang dynasty. after the end of thetang dynasty, the temples were repeatedly attacked by fire, and the temples weredestroyed. only the big wild goose pagoda remained.

another saying: dayan pagoda was built in the third year of yonghui reignof emperor gaozong of tang dynasty. because it is located in ci'en temple, it isalso called ci'en temple pagoda. ci'en temple was built by prince li zhi in 648to remember his mother, empress wende. when the dayan pagoda was first built, ithad only five stories. wu zetian rebuilt it at that time, and later repaired itmany times. now the tower is seven stories, a total of 64 meters, square pyramidshaped. the body of the tower is made of green bricks, and the walls of eachlayer are made of wood like structures such as column brace and column forehead.there are arches on all sides of each floor. this kind of pavilion style bricktower is a masterpiece of chinese buddhist architectural art with simple shapeand majestic momentum. two stone tablets written by chu suiliang, a famouscalligrapher of the tang dynasty, are inlaid on both sides of the south gate atthe bottom of the dayan pagoda. one is the preface of sanzang holy religion inthe tang dynasty; the other is the preface of sanzang h≮www.chayi5.com≯oly religion in the tangdynasty written by emperor gaozong. on the side of the stele, the pattern isbeautiful and vivid. these are important cultural relics for the study ofcalligraphy, painting and sculpture in tang dynasty. dacien temple is the mostfamous and magnificent buddhist temple in chang'an city of tang dynasty. it wasbuilt by royal decree of tang dynasty.

tang sanzang, xuanzang, once presided over the temple affairs, led thebuddhist scripture translation field, and founded a buddhist sect. the big wildgoose pagoda in the temple was built by him. therefore, dacien temple has a veryprominent position in the history of chinese buddhism and has been attachedgreat importance at home and abroad.

inside the temple gate, the bell and the drum tower face each other. thebell and drum are the orders of the temple. there is a saying of "morning belland evening drum". a ming dynasty iron bell, weighing 30000 jin and more thanthree meters high, is suspended in the east bell tower. tang dynasty students,after passing the entrance examination, went to write a title under the ci'enpagoda, which is called "the title of the wild goose pagoda". tang dynastypainters wu daozi, wang wei and others have done many murals for ci'en temple,but they have long been forgotten. however, on the lintels and doorframes of thefour door openings under the dayan pagoda, there are still exquisite tangdynasty lines. on the lintel of the west stone gate, the line engraved palacepictures are especially precious.

on the southeast side of the dayan pagoda, there are monk tombs. six ofthem were built in the qing dynasty. the main hall is the central building ofthe temple, in which there are three body buddha, bodhisattva and clay statuesof arhat. it is a place for worshiping buddha and chanting sutras. the dharmahall is a place for preaching. there is a bronze statue of amitabha in thehall.

today's cisi temple is the scale of the ming dynasty, and the temple is thebuilding of the late qing dynasty. now the big wild goose pagoda has beenrestored. the ancient pagoda is magnificent, the temple is full of incense, andthe courtyard is full of flowers

关于大雁塔英文导游词 篇八

good morning, my friends! welcome to dayan pagoda, a magnificent place in history. i’m your tour guide today, xiao wang from xisu tourism institute.

dayan pagoda is situated in the da ci’en temple, about 4km from the urban center; it is one of the famous buddhist pagodas in china.

da ci'en temple is located in the southern suburb of xi'an city, originally jinchang lane in the southeast of chang'an city, the capital of the tang dynasty. it was the largest temple in china's tang dynasty as well as one of the three buddhist scriptures translation places of chang'an city in the tang dynasty. da ci'en temple was built in the year 648 of the zhenguan reign of the tang dynasty by crown prince li zhi in order to mourn for his mother. therefore, it is named da ci'en. since the tang dynasty, da ci'en temple has kept its prosperity for more than 1,300 years. its history is long and glorious. now, the extant area of this temple is just that of the west pagoda yard in the tang dynasty. the present da ci'en temple sits back to the north and faces to the south, and consists of the following main buildings: gate of the temple, bell and drum towers, hall for the great buddha, etc.

in 652 ad, dayan pagoda was built to store the sutras and the figurines of buddha, which were brought from india by a famous buddhist translator and traveler tang sanzang, also known by his buddhist name as xuanzang. xuan zang went to india to research the buddhist doctrines in 629 ad, and then he came back in 645 ad with a great deal of buddhist scriptures. in the temple, he translated lots of chapters of the buddhist scriptures into chinese. in order to protect the buddhist scriptures, monk xuanzang asked for a pagoda to be built. he designed the pagoda like a wild goose as he saw in india. so this pagoda was called the wild goose pagoda in memory of the famous monk. its five storeys are 60 meters in height. the decay of the earth-cored pagoda caused the new construction of a 10-storey pagoda from 701 to 704. damage by the war reduced it to seven storeys, to what it is today.

the storyed pagoda was an architectural marvel. it was built with layers of bricks but without any cement in between. the bracket style in traditional chinese architecture was also used in the construction. the grand body of the pagoda with its solemn appearance, simple style and high structure, is indeed a good example of ancient people's wisdom and talent. walls and doors are carved with vivid and exquisite figures of buddha, reflecting the profundity in the paintings of the tang dynasty.

in the tang dynasty, every successful candidate who passed the imperial examinations would have to climb up dayan pagoda and wrote poems and inscriptions there. this ritual would symbolize a soaring career in the future. the fashion of writing poems and leaving inscriptions on the horizontal bars over doors and stone frameworks by successful candidates of the imperial examinations went on as far as the ming dynasty. these poem sand inscriptions have survived till this day as a fine mirror to the city's past.

there are fantastic views from the top of the pagoda of the grid-like streets below and it seems hard to believe today that the area around here was once countryside and fields! it is traditional to throw coins from the windows of the pagoda in the hope that this will bring good luck.

the ming dynasty wu cheng'en, collected the materials of xuan zang's experience handed down and wrote a novel titled "journey to the west" which later became one of four greatest novels in china. as a result, the television series about this story was made and became world-renowned.

surrounding big wild goose pagoda, the scenery is also quite charming. the music fountain is the biggest the biggest fountain and waterscape square in asia. in the world, it has the most benches, the longest light-belt, and the largest-scale acoustic complex.

the entire square is composed of waterscape fountains, a cultural square, gardens and tourist paths. there you can taste real chinese culture and traditions and fully enjoy the truly attractive views. it has become a must-see when you visit big wild goose pagoda.

near the big wild goose pagoda, tang paradise is located in the qujiang area, southeast of the xian city. it is a newly opened tourist attraction. what makes tang paradise incredible is that it is no longer the garden mode of only water and mountains in the chinese traditional sense. the outstanding designers of the magnificent tang paradise have integrated almost everything representative of the tang dynasty, such as the poetry, the songs and dance, the marketplaces, the food, the women's lifestyles, and science into every site using cultural themes, thus endowing every place with its own story and its own place in the tapestry of tang dynasty culture.

well, so much for my introduction, i will leave 30 minutes for you to enjoy yourself. if you have any questions, please let me know, i’ll always be here waiting for you. see you!

关于大雁塔英文导游词 篇九

good morning, ladies and gentlemen. i’m your local guide 。 here we arrive at the big wild goose pagoda. this is the cultural coordinate of the qujiang new district and a landmark building in the ancient city of xi'an. the sceneries are including the big wild goose pagoda, the da ci’en temple and the south and north squares.

in the center of the south square is the bronze statue of monk xuan zang.wearing a cassock, holding the staff, presenting a imposing appearance, we can simplely imagine , the master xuan zang are on a hard journey , firmly in pursuit of truth. behind it are the da ci’en temple and the big wild goose pagoda.


originally built in the sui dynasty, the temple was named wulou temple. then, crown prince li zhi of the tang dynasty, in order to commemorate his mother, sponsored a repair project on the temple and named it da ci’en temple. it was a typical mahayana temple for the royal family. the da ci’en temple was destroyed in a war at the end of the tang dynasty. only the pagoda was left intact. the present buildings in the temple were built in the ming dynasty. but now it covers only one seventh of the original area it did in the tang dynasty.

大慈恩寺来名 损毁 再建

now look at the 3 main entrance gates. in chinese, we call it “shan men” means mountain gate. in the ancient times the buddhist temples were usually built among the mountains.


walking north forwards, there are two small buildings. the one on the east side houses a bell, and the one on the west side houses a drum. the bell and drum towers are the (characteristic) landmarks of a temple. they were used to mark time for the monks in the temple. the bell is rung in the morning and the drum is struck at dusk.


the great hall is the center of the temple. inside it, there are three buddhas of sakyamuni. the one in the middle is called fashen buddha, which means the truth and law. the one on the west side is called baoshen buddha, and the one on the east side is called yingshen buddha.


after we visiting the great hall, we come to another core building--- the doctrine chamber(法堂)where the amitabha buddha is worshiped. it is said that at the word of the amitabha buddha, one will be led to paradise upon his death. this rubbing is called “xuan zang on his way back to chang’ an”。 (负芨图) with rolls of scriptures on his back, a pair of straw sandals on his feet and an oil lamp on top of the rolls, xuan zang is making his way back to the capital.

well, let’s know something about the famous monk in chinese history, xuan zang. he was both a great translator and traveler. he had spent 17 years in india studying buddhism. and when he came back to chang’an, he had taken back more than 600 volumes of buddhist scriptures. his “travel in the western regions” was based on what he had witnessed in about 128 countries and regions. and xuan zang stayed in the da ci’en temple for 12years and translated more than 1000 volumes of buddhist scriptures. in prise of the master’s dedication to buddhism, emperor tai zong and the crown prince li zhi respectively built two famous tablets for him.

玄奘简介 经书 两个碑

now we come to the foot of the big wild goose pagoda. originally the pagoda was a five-story construction. and then it increased to be ten stories. but the war made the pagoda almost to ruins, so it was rebuilt with a seven-story structure. this pagoda is an architectural marvel. it was built with layers of bricks but without any cement in between. it’s indeed a good reflection of people’s wisdom and talent in ancient china.


well, engraving autographs on the walls of the big wild goose pagoda became the custom in the mid-tang dynasty. all the successful candidates who passed the imperial examinations would climb up the pagoda and write poems and inscriptions to indicate that he would have a soaring career in the future. the poem from the famous poet bai juyi is especially widely known by us. now we can still climb the pagoda and enjoy the sight of the old capital.


on the top you can have a bird’s view of xi’an and also a view of the gardens around. to the north of the pagoda, there is the largest public square in xi’an and also in china. everyday we can see the largest music fountain playing there at a certain time. the square is also surrounded by architectural imitations of tang dynasty. what’s more, it is not only provides citizens with leisure space, but also improves the environment and enhances the overall image of the city.


not far from the pagoda, we can see another beautiful garden that is the tang paradise. it is a cultural theme park in the tang style of an original royal garden. it has many new records: the largest movie on water screen in the world, the first theme park of five senses which includes sight, sound, taste, touch and smell (五感主题公园), the biggest outdoor fragrance project (室外芳香工程) in the world ad the biggest reproduction of the tang royal garden in china. if you are interest in that, we can also have a visit this afternoon.


ok, everyone, so much for this today. we still have some free time. we’ll leave at 2 o’clock, so please do not be late! and i’ll stay here, if you have any questions, you can ask me. by the way, watch your step please! ok, it’s your turn. you can look around and enjoy yourselves. thank you for lestening.




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