

5a小学英语复习教学反思 篇一



《牛津小学英语5a》unit 6教案 篇二

unit 1 (第二课时)


a listen, read and say  & h  sing a song

二、 教学目标

1、能正确地听、说、读单词及词组public, a sign, a cousin, always, a questions, grass. a cage, touch, keep off, make noise

2、能听得懂、会说、会读日常交际用语there are a lot of signs here. they mean different things.


4.会唱歌曲the signs in the park

三、 教学重点

1、能正确地听、说、读单词及词组public, a sign, a cousin, always, a questions, grass. a cage, touch, keep off, make noise

2、能听得懂、会说、会读日常交际用语there are a lot of signs here. they mean different things.

四、 教学难点

1、能正确地听、说、读词组make noise


五、 教学准备






step 1 free talk/ revision

1. good morning,

boys and girls.

2. teach the song “ the signs in the park”。

step 2 revision

1. show the picture of part b.

2. what does it mean?

3. game: act and guess.

step 3 presentation

1. show the pictures of the dialogue.

2. give the students some questions, ask them to listen to the tape recorder and then answer them.

3. help the students answer the questions.

4. teach some key sentences:

there are a lot of signs.

they mean different things.

you must stay away from the building.

we shouldn’t make noise.

5. ask the students to listen again and repeat after it.

step 4 listen, read and say

1. ask the students to read the dialogue.

2. help the students to make a short dialogue like the text.

step 5 consolidation

1. read the text.

2. do the exercise on page 15.


1. copy the text in english 1 time, and in  chinese 1 time.

2. do the workbooks.

3. try to recite the text.


unit 2 public signs         date.

pictures of the text

the key sentences.

九、 教后记

牛津小学英语6a unit 1 (第二课时)教案 来自第一范文网。

《牛津小学英语5a》unit 6教案 篇三


b look read and learn & c look and say



bananas .watermelons , peaches, pears .apples ,oranges ,mangoes, pineapples .

.2、三会句型:good morning .

good afternoon ,

this is my …


nice to meet you .

nice to meet you , too .

3 能初步了解名词复数的读音。



bananas .watermelons , peaches, pears .apples ,oranges ,mangoes, pineapples .

2、三会句型:good morning .

good afternoon ,

this is my …


nice to meet you .

nice to meet you , too .

3 能初步了解名词复数的读音。



bananas .watermelons , peaches, pears .apples ,oranges ,mangoes, pineapples .

2、三会句型:good morning .

good afternoon ,

this is my …


nice to meet you .

nice to meet you , too .









step 1 free talk/ revision

1.sing  a  song: << hi, nancy>>

2.greetings .(同位之间练习,自由锁链反应)。

hello /hi,… good morning/ good afternoon.

nice to meet you ,…

nice to meet you ,too.

step 2 presentation and practice


learn to say the new word: bananas.

a. show the fruit . (bananas)

t: look, i have some bananas .

please show me your bananas and say bananas .

t:i have a banana . show me your banana and say “a  banana”。

ss: a banana.

b. practice .

2. look and say the other words .

3 告诉学生单数和复数的区别,同时注意他们的读音。

3. .play a game. “猜水果”。游戏方法:教师用袋子藏一种水果,让学生用他


t: let’s play a game ,ok? there are some fruits in my bag ,i want one student to come to the blackboard ,touch and guess, if you’re right , i’ll give you some fruit.

s1: apples ?ss: yes .(or no)

2. listen to the tape and repeat .

step 3  look and say

1. show the masks . (mr. black, mrs .black, mr. green , miss li) .please say :“good morning/afternoon to  them.” 生来分别扮演这四个角色,分成四个小组,进行互动式练习。

2. the  ss practice by using “good morning /afternoon …nice to meet you ,… nice to meet you ,too .”

3. show the wall pictures .(c look and say)

look at the pictures.

5. practice

(1) mr. green :good morning ,mr. black.

mr. black: good morning, mr. green .

2) mrs black: good afternoon /nice to meet you ,…

mrs li :  good afternoon /nice to meet you ,too .

(3) helen:  hi ,li tao ,this is mike .

li tai:    nice to meet you , mike.

mike:     nice to meet you ,too .

(4) mike :  hello, gao shan ,this is helen .

helen :    nice to meet you ,gao shan .

gao shan : nice to meet you ,too .

step 4 consolidation

1 学生可以自由进行练习,以巩固所学,扩充知识面。

2. 先给予一定时间让学生自己熟悉人物名称,让他们练一练,说一说。






unit 3 this is my father  (日期)

a banana --- bananas

a watermelon --- watermelons

a pineapples --- pineapples

a pear --- pears

an apple --- apples

an orange ---  oranges

a mangoes ---  mangoes

a peach ---, peaches

good morning .

good afternoon ,

this is my …


nice to meet you .

nice to meet you , too .


《牛津小学英语5a》unit 6教案 篇四

unit 2 ben’s birthday 第二课时listen, read and say


1.能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词a birthday, a date, when, as, present。

2.能听懂、会说和会读单词 wait。

3.能听懂、会说,会读和会写句型when’s your birthday? my birthday’s on…what would you like as a birthday present?

i’d like…

4.能听懂、会说和会读日常交际用语my birthday’s coming. would you like to come to my birthday party? would you like a vcd of japanese cartoon, too? let’s wait and see.




2. 能听懂、会说和会读日常交际用语would you like to come to my birthday party? would you like a vcd of japanese cartoon, too? let’s wait and see.

3.能听懂、会说,会读和会写句型when’s your birthday? my birthday’s on…what would you like as a birthday present? i’d like…







present  a birthday present


what would you like as a birthday present?

i’d like…

wait    let’s wait and see.

教 后 记


a. revision

1. greetings

2.look and say(看日历说日期)

3.free talk

t: what day is it today?

t: what date is it today?

t: which month comes after september?

t: which month comes before august?

t: when’s your /your father’s /your mother’s birthday?

t: do you usually have a birthday party?

t: what would you like as a birthday present?

s: it’s friday.

s:it’sthetwenty-fourth of septembe\www.chayi5.com\r.

s: it’s october.

s: it’s july

s: it’s on the…

s: yes, i do.

s: i’d like…

b. presentation

1. teach: present

a birthday present

as  作为

what would you like as a birthday present?

i’d like …

2.ask and answer in pairs.

3.t: would you like a …?


4.t: ben’s birthday is coming.

let’s listen to the tape and answer these questions:

a. who’s jim ?

b. what do jim and ben often do after school?

c. what’s ben doing today?

s: yes, i do./ no, i don’t.

d. what are jim and ben talking about?

e. what date is it today?

f. when’s ben’s birthday?

g. what would ben like as a birthday present?

h. what would he like to watch at the party?


c. listen, read and say

1. look at the pictures and repeat after the tape.

teach: wait 等待

let’s wait and see.

2.books opened and read the test.

3.read and act

finish the exercise on p23. check up the answers.

d.assign homework

1.抄写单词三英一中as, present, wait, birthday, date, when。

2. 根据课文回答问题


牛津小学英语5a第二单元教案 篇五


牛津小学英语5a第二单元教案一、 教学内容《九年义务教育六年制小学教科书・牛津小学英语》5a第一单元第一教时(read and say)。 二、 教学目标: 1、 能正确理解、掌握对话内容,并能朗读、初步表演对话 2、 能正确地听、说、读、写词汇:live, study, a bedroom, large,  beside, a wall, a bed, between. 3、能正确地听说读写句型:what’s in /on/beside/between…?  there’s /there isn’t a /an…there are some /aren’t any… 4、 能正确地听、说、读日常交际用语或句型:i live in a new house now.  they like the …very much.  here is a/an…for you.  here are some …for you. 三、 教学重点: 1 能正确理解、掌握对话内容,并能朗读、初步表演对话。 2 词汇: live, a study, a bedroom, large, beside, a wall, between, a bed… 3 句型: what’s in /on /under /behind /beside /between…? there’s a /an…in /on /under /behind /beside …? there are some… there isn’t a /an…there aren’t any…. 四、教学难点: 1 能比较流畅地朗读对话,并进一步表演对话。 2 能正确地听、说、读、写句型what’s in/ on/ beside/ between…?及其答语。 3 能正确地使用否定句there isn’t….there aren’t ….及正确使用any 五、 课前准备: 1、教具准备: a 准备录音机、磁带 b 准备电脑课件 2、教学准备: a把read and say的图片扫描到课件中 b把read and say的对话及录音内容设置到课件中。 六、教学过程: step(一)revision and presentation 1、 free talk (约2分钟) 师生之间相互问候:glad to see you .are you all here ? (yes.) what’s the date today ? (it’s september 9th ) 等。 2、 设计情景,有外宾参观我们学校,选几名学生做小导游,用there be句型介绍学校的情况。 如:there are two buildings in our school. there are twenty classrooms in our school. 选出优秀的小导游并奖励。 3、 引出新课,今天我们去参观yang ling的新家,老师来当解说员,电脑屏幕显示书中第一幅图,介绍背景。 yang ling and her parents live in a new house. it is near the school. they like the new house very much. 电脑屏幕显示新单词“live”、“house”,让学生明白其意思并跟读,组词造句。 yang ling and her parents live in a new house now.  用同样的方法让学生明白they like the new house very much.后,让学生争做小解说员,优秀者有奖励。 step(二) presentation and practice 1、 电脑屏幕显示放大的yang ling家的新居,复习单词a bathroom, a bedroom, a study, a kitchen, a dining-room, a sitting-room等,这些词在3b中就已学过,相信在老师的帮助下,学生能较顺利地说出这些单词。 2、 借助电脑屏幕,让学生上来指着屏幕上的图并描述新居的情况,如:yang ling’s house is big. there are three bedrooms, two bathrooms, a study, a kitchen, a dining-room and a large sitting-room.让学生试着说这句话,或分句描述。(注意:当there be后面紧跟单数名词时,be动词常用单数形式。) 3、 老师就屏幕上的居室分布图与学生展开讨论,如:is there a study/a kitchen/a dining-room in yang ling’s house? yes, there is./no,there isn’t. are there any bedrooms/reading rooms in it? yes, there are./no,there aren’t. how many bedrooms are there? there are … 4、 出示下一张扫描图――yang ling卧室的图,借助画中的'地图,教单词world及词组a map of the world, 顺便教学生a map of china。教师教句子the map is on the wall. 学生跟读。 5、 教师提问where’s the desk/telephone? 引出介词beside, between的教学。 step(三) read and say 1、 电脑屏幕显示整篇课文文字稿及插图、并配有录音,学生听整段对话,并模仿跟读两遍。 2、 学生自读对话,教师巡视并给予个别辅导。 3、 学生分角色朗读对话。 step(四) consolidation 利用学生之间互不了解对方家居室情况而产生的信息沟展开问答,并编成小对话,二人或三人一组。 step(五) assign homework 1、 listen to the tape and read after the tape. 2、 copy the new sentences. 3、 make new dialogues. step(六) after class 1、 根据本课教学内容有条件的老师可拍摄自家居室状况,让学生展开讨论(因学生对有关老师的信息都比较感兴趣)。也可先让学生问,老师答,然后再看录象等,这样做比较符合小学生学英语的心理特点,既提供了逼真的活动环境,又能使小学生兴趣盎然。如果条件不允许,亦可直接用教材配套的挂图等。 为切实贯彻素质教育,做到让学生成为课堂的主人,本教案在教学设计中处处体现了以学生为本的原则,采用争当优秀小导游,谁了解小朋友家居室情况多等比赛,让学生不断地在用中 学,学中用,从而达到真正掌握语言。

《牛津小学英语5a》unit 6教案 篇六

六年级学生刚学了u6 holidays对christmas已有所了解,但对西方国家的受礼知识知之甚少,对形容词性物主代词知之甚多,只是尚不知其名称。就大多数小学高年级学生而言,智力差异并不悬殊,,本课希望通过小组活动引导学生在集体中捕捉自己的亮点,人性最深切的要求是渴望别人的欣赏,尽力发扬他们内在的精神力量去弥补自身的不足,增强集体荣誉感,这节课作为第一课时力求从生活经验和认知水平出发,倡导体验、实践、参与、合作与交流的学习方式和任务型的教学途径,发展学生的综合语言运用能力,使语言学习的过程成为学生形成积极的情感态度、主动思维和大胆实践、提高跨文化意识和形成自主学习能力的过程。

教学内容:1. look,read  and say


知识目标:1.能听得懂、会说和会读单词和词组a wallet , ,a watch ,a calculator , a hairdryer, a teapot , a skateboard  .

2. 初步掌握名词性物主代词hers , his , mine , yours,ours的用法。

3.能听得懂、会说和会读 1  whose … is it / are they ?

it’s / they’re mine / yours /his/hers /ours .

2    open it for me,please.

3    you’re welcome.

技能目标:  能运用所学交际用语进行围绕送礼物这一主题简单得体地交谈。

情感目标:  感受西方人圣诞节的快乐,并积极地参与送礼与受礼的模拟氛围 感悟给予就是幸福。

教学重点: 初步掌握名词性物主代词her , his , mine , ours , yours的用法。

初步掌握句型whose … is it / are they ?

it’s / they’re mine / yours /his/hers /ours .


教学准备:实物(皮夹等),礼物(笔记本等),cai 等


step 1 warming up

a listen to the song “ merry christmas”


b  greetings and free talk

t :what  date is it today?

what holiday is coming soon?

what do people usually do at christmas?

what did you do  last christmas?

did you get a present last christmas?

t: sorry, you didn't  get  one .here's a present for you.

s: thank you very much.

t : not at all.  you're welcome.


t:you'd better open it at once. open it, please.

s(当场打开)it's a watch.

t: do  you  like it?

s: yes.

t:say out loudly.ok?

s:it's a nice  watch.

t: good job .在西方国家有个风俗,收到礼物一般当面打开,并表示感谢,当面表达喜爱之情,夸张一点不算过分。


step2 presentation 1


t: boys and girls ,  there are a lot of  christmas presents  on the desk . let’s see who can catch the new words ,who can get the present.

t: open it for me ,please

s:all right.

t: thanks.what is it? i like skating. i can use it to skate.who can have a try?( show the word and a skateboard on the screen  skate.board )

s: read out.

t: great. it’s for you , it's yours. yours means your skateboard .

the skateboard was mine just now ,it's yours now.how to read the word? (show two words  nine/mine   on the screen.what does “mine” mean?

s: mine means my skatboard.

t: clever , this is   my watch, we can also  say it's mine .my purses we can say they're mine too.

teach the word “hairdryer-hers,teapot-his” in the same way .

t: well done. open  it for him/her please.what is  in it?

s: 计算器 和一个皮夹

t:who can read out? show these words on the screen.cat-excuse-late- doctor


同法教wallet show those words watch-litter


t: let’s play a  game “i say you say”

i say this is my wallet , you say it's mine.

eg:that's his skatboard. it's his.

these are our  calculates.they are ours.

s work  in pairs

3. 教学名词性物主单词。

t: today i take some presents with me . they’re for you .

i ask a student to help me

t:s1, come here ,please. whose notebook is it ?

s1: (惊讶地) it’s my present .

t: yes, it’s your present, it’s yours . (板书:yours )

1. 观察板书,想一想两种物主代词的区别,再找一找规律。

2. 用两首儿歌来表示他们的不同:

a.一变(my – mine),二留( his – his ,),剩余加“s”。



step4     presentation2

t: everone did good  job just now .everybody was great .(show everybody on the screen)

now let’s  listen  what  jim’s family got last christmas?open your english book please.

s listen while reading the book.


read after the cai

t;jim is telling david about his family’s  christmas presents. match the people  with their presents.join the dots.

s read while matching .

ask and answer about the exercise  above

talk with a volunteer

t: whose watch is this?

s1: it’s dad’s. it’s  his.

ss talk show.

ask the students to  read first then answer the questions about the passage.

t: you can talk to  your partners in the group of four.


q1 where  were jim’s family? how about the presents?

q2  what  present did jim/dad /mum/grandma/grandpa get?

q3 whose  wallet/skateboard/ teapot/ hairdryer/ calculator  is it?

ask the students to read the third time to fill in the blanks.


jim’s  family w--- in  his grandpa’s house last c---- d----. e---- was e-----.there were  many p----- under the christmas tree. jim g----a c-----and a s------.grandpa  g----grandma a t----and s-----.because she l-----d-----.the w---and the  h----- were from g-------.how h---   they were!

(设计意图: 着重检测学生综合语言技能和语言应用能力、能从文章中获取主要信息并能摘录要点、能在教师的帮助下或根据图片用简单的语言描述。)

then check .

t: well done.how happy we are.everybody here  is happy .  giving   is happy!(show on the screen)


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