

冀教版九年级英语课件 篇一


1. 语言知识目标:

1) 学习掌握下列词汇:down, dialogue, ending, documentary,drama, plenty, plenty of, shut, shut off, superhero, once in a while

2) 能掌握以下句型:

① while some people stick to onlyone kind of movies, i like to watch different kinds depending on how i feelthat day.

② when i’m down or tired,i prefer movies that can cheer me up.

③ but they try their best tosolve their problems.

④ laughing for two hours is agood way to relax.

⑤ documentarieslike march of the penguins whichprovide plenty of information about a certain subject can be interesting,…

⑥ i don’t mind action movies likespider man when i’m too tired tothink.

⑦ i can just shut off my brain…

⑧ once in a while, i like towatch movies that are scary.

⑨ but i’m too scared to watchthem alone.

⑩ it doesn’t feel so scaryanymore.


进一步熟练掌握that/ which/ who引导的定语从句。

3. 情感态度价值观目标:

1) 阅读短文,能按要求获取相关的信息。

2) 通过阅读训练来提高学生们的阅读能力。

3) 能用定语从句表达自己的喜好, 并能对自己过的电影,听过的cd等进行描述。


1. 教学重点:

1) 掌握本课时中出现的生词down, dialogue, ending,documentary, drama, plenty, plenty of, shut, shut off, superhero, once in awhile

2) 学会用that/which/who引导的定语从句描述自己喜好

2. 教学难点:



ⅰ. revision

1.work in pairs.

askyour partner about what’s his/her favorite movie/music/movie star /city/…


2.share your ideas with the class.

ii. warming up

1. 引导学生使用常用句型:

what kind of… do you like?

i like movies that…

i love music that…

i prefer movie stars who ….

2. 展示表示电影类型的词汇。

ⅲ. reading 2d

1. readthe conversation and answer the questions.

1. what kind of music does scottlike? why?

2. does scott like serious movies?

3. what kind of movies does jill wantto see?

2. role-play the conversation in2d.

1.      i’ll just listen tothis new cd i bought.

2.      i suppose i’ll justlisten to this new cd i bought.

3.      i like smooth musicthat helps me relax after a long week at work.

4.      i only like moviesthat are funny.

5.      in this case, i’llask someone who likes serious movies.

6.      i prefer moviesthat give me something to think about.

ⅳ. language points

1. hmm,depends which movie.

1) 本句省略了depends前的主语it和whichmovie后的从句部分we’ll watch,这是典型的口语表达形式。在口语和非正式场合,为保持语言简洁明了,交流者往往会省略彼此所知或逻辑上可明确推断的内容。例如:

anythingi can do for you?

我能为您做些什么吗?(省略句首部分is there)

pleasehand me one of those books; i don’t care which.

请把那些书递给我一本,不管哪本都行。(省略句尾部分you hand me)

2) itdepends (on) who/ what/ how/ whether…是一个常见句型。当depend后接疑问词及含有疑问词的短语和从句时,口语中会省略depend后的介词on,以求话语简练。例如:

itdepends what day you catch me, and at what time of day.


well,as for this matter, i can’t decide for now. depends whether or not your dadwill say yes.


2. ijust want to laugh and not think too much.

这句话中的to laugh和not think too much均为动词不定式,但后者在not和think之间省略了to。英语语句中当多个不定式结构并列使用时,to出现在第一个结构中,后面的往往会省略。再如:

shelikes to sing, dance and hang out with her friends.


3. iprefer music that has great lyrics.


iprefer the white bag. 我更喜欢那个白色的包。

tonyprefers staying / to stay at home on weekends.


此外,prefer还可用于句型“prefer ... to ...”中,意为“喜欢……而不喜欢(胜过)……”。如:

lindaprefers apples to pears.


iprefer reading books to watching tv. 我喜欢阅读而不喜欢看电视。

4. isuppose i’ll just listen to this new cd i bought.


a. weare supposed to get there on time.

b. isuppose she will be back next year.

c. —doyou suppose he will agree?

—yes, i suppose so. / no, i suppose not.

a. weare supposed to get there on time.

(1)观察例句a可知,“被期望/要求做某事”或“该做某事”可用 __________________ 结构表示,含有必须、应该做某事之意,相当于should。

b. isuppose she will be back next year.

c. —doyou suppose he will agree?

—yes, isuppose so. / no, i suppose not.

(2)例句b中“suppose that从句”意为“猜测/假定……”,that可以省略,若为否定句,和think,believe等动词的用法一样,应该否定____(主语/从句),即否定前移;例子c中对疑问句作肯定回答可用________________ ,否定回答可用no, i suppose not。



e.g.  i like music that i can dance to.


he is the man who i met yesterday.



人 (n.) who/that   从句      物 (n.) that/which 从句

关系代词who; that;的作用:

a. 做代词,代替先行词

b. 在从句中担任句子成分:主语或宾语

c. 做连词,把主句和从句连接起来

who / that/which 在定语从句中做主语时,


i prefer shoes that______ cool.(be)

i like a pizza that______ reallydelicious. (be)

i love singers who ______beautiful. (be)

i have a friend who _______sports. (play)


1. isuppose i’ll just listen to this new cd i bought.

2. ilike smooth music that helps me relax after a long week at work.

3. ionly like movies that are funny.

4. inthis case, i’ll ask someone who likes serious movies.

5. iprefer movies that give me something to think about.

1. 阅读指导

1) 快速阅读全文,  注意每段话的首句, 有利于理解每段的段落大意。

2) 把含有定语从句的句子画出来, 帮助你理解并完成阅读任务。

2. work on 3a.

fill in the chart. list the differentkinds of movies and the movie names.

ⅵ. careful reading

work on 3b. read the passageagain and answer the questions.

1. how does the writer describeeach kind of movie?

2. what kinds of movies does thewriter prefer to watch when he or she is sad or tired?

3. how does the writer feel afterwatching these movies?

4. does the writer like scarymovies? when does he or she watch them?

ss try to read and find theanswers to these questions.

then check the answers with thess

ⅶ. practice

work on 3c:

1. work in groups and ask otherswhat kinds of movies they like in different situations.

2. share your ideas and comparethem.

ⅷ. language points

1. while some people stick toonly one kind of movies, i like to watch different kinds depending on how ifeel that day.

stick   v. 粘贴;将……刺入 (stuck, stuck)

e.g. he stuck a stamp on the envelope.  他把一张邮票贴到信封上。

stick to  坚持;固守

e.g. stick to your dream, you’llsucceed with your hard work.


2. wheni’m down or tired, i prefer movies that can cheer me up.

down  adj.悲哀;沮丧用于系动词后作表语

e.g. when he is down, he often listens togentle music.


cheer up 使高兴;高兴起来;使振奋

e.g. cheer up! our troubles will soonbe over.


3. documentaries like march of the penguins which provideplenty of information about a certain subject can be interesting,…

plenty of 大量;充足 既可修饰可数名词复数形式, 也可修饰不可数名词。

e.g. thereis plenty of coal in this area.


4.i can just shut off my brain…我就让大脑不思考

shut  v. 关闭;关上shut off 关闭;停止运转

e.g. shut off the internet.

5. once in a while, i like towatch movies that are scary.

once in a while 偶尔地;间或

e.g. he went tosee them once in a while. 他偶尔去探望他们。

ⅸ. exercises


1. the girl __________ you saw just now is my sister.

2. doyou remember the words _________ we learned last year.

3. thisis the watch __________ my mother gave me for my birthday.

4. i like the present ________you’ve sent to me.

5. the nurse ____ we talked aboutcan speak english well.

6. this is the man _______ i metyesterday.

7. no one likes books _____ areboring.

8. we prefer singers ________write their own lyrics.

ⅹ. homework

according 3c,write a report about the result of your group.


section a 2 (2d-3c)

down, dialogue, ending, documentary, drama, plenty, plenty of,shut, shut off, superhero, once in a while

① while some people stick to onlyone kind of movies, i like to watch different kinds depending on how i feelthat day.

② when i’m down or tired, iprefer movies that can cheer me up.

③ but they try their best tosolve their problems.

④ laughing for two hours is agood way to relax.

⑤ documentaries like march of the penguins which provideplenty of information about a certain subject can be interesting,…

⑥ i don’t mind action movies likespider man when i’m too tired tothink.

⑦ i can just shut off my brain…

⑧ once in a while, i like towatch movies that are scary.

⑨ but i’m too scared to watchthem alone.

⑩ itdoesn’t feel so scary anymore.



冀教版九年级英语课件 篇二

lesson 1 hello

一 、teaching content:

1. greetings: hello, hi

2. self-introduction: my name is

3.asking for others’ names: what’s your/his/her name?

二、teaching goals

1. understand the text

2.remember the words: hello, name, my, your, his, her, i, is, what

3. make sure the ss can introduce each other in english

三、key points:

what’s your/his/her name?

my /his/her name is

四、difficult point: what’s his/her name?

五、preparation: a map of china and a map of canada; some pictures of characters such as sun wukong, lanmao and so on.

六、teaching aids: recorder, pictures or cards

七、type of the lesson: listening and speaking

八、teaching procedure

step 1.warming up. discuss the following questions with the ss in chinese

1. why do we learn english?

2. where is english spoken?

3. do you know any english words?

4. is english interesting?

5. do you often come across english words?

step 2. lead in. discuss these questions:

1. what do you say when you meet someone?

2.do you know what canadians say when they meet?

3. how do you introduce yourself or someone else in chinese?

4.do you know how to introduce someone in english?

today we’re going to learn something about them. do you want to know?

step 3. new lesson:

no. 1 hello/hi, my name is

1. presentation

pretend to meet someone. say “hello” or “hi”, my name is.

make sure the ss can understand it. encourage them to repeat.

2. practice

work in pairs. encourage the ss to greet each other and introduce themselves. then ask some pairs to act it out.

no. 2. what’ your/his/her name

1. presentation

say “my name is___. what’s your name?” translate if necessary. then repeat a few times. encourage the ss to follow until they can say it correctly.

2. practice

work in chain like this:

a: (to b) my name is ___. what’s your name?

b: my name is ___. (to c) what’s your name?


then ask some ss to act it out.

3. presentation and practice: what’s his/ her name?

show a picture of lan mao and say, “what’s his name? his name is lan mao”。 ask the question and help the ss to answer. then repeat. work in pairs to practice the dialogue and ask some pairs to act it out.

4. introduce the characters on the textbook: li ming, jenny, and danny. teach the words china and canada, using maps of them. then explain the sentence “i live in___.”

5.listen and follow

6. play the tape for the ss to follow.


sum up the lesson briefly by practicing all the dialogues in the text.

8. homework

read the text and practice the dialogue.






















冀教版英语课件 篇三


unit 1 是该教材的第一单元,又是为初学者准备的入门单元,总体内容不多,也不是很难,关键是做好一个衔接工作,根据学生的认知特点和心理特点,通过多样化的、趣味性的学习活动,让没基础的同学克服心里的畏难情绪,感觉到英语不难又很有趣;让有基础的同学更进一步培养起对英语学习的兴趣和自信。


aa — hh 的字母教学。

hello! good morning. good afternoon. good evening.

—how are you? —i'm fine, thanks. how are you? —i'm ok.


第一课时:完成 section a 1a, 1b

第二课时;完成section a 2a, 2b,2c, 2d, 3, 4a

第三课时:完成 section a 4b, 4c, section b 1, 2a, 2b

第四课时:完成 section b 3a, 3b, 4, 5

第五课时:完成 self check and just for fun


a. 语言知识目标

1.词汇: letters aa — hh

八个人名 alice, bob, cindy, dale, eric, frank, grace, helen

2.句型:good morning. good afternoon. good evening.

—how are you? —i'm fine, thanks. how are you? —i'm ok.

b. 情感目标

1. 激发学生学习英语的兴趣,发挥学生学习英语的积极性和主动性。











4.调控策略:通过课堂反馈和 self-check,明确自己的学习状况,不断调整自己的学习策略。


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