


初中英语说课稿 篇一





。names of places:post office、library、hotel、restaurant、bank、supermarket、 street、pay phone、park、house、garden、market.

。description adjectives:clean、dirty、new、old、quiet、busy.



。介词短语:next to、in front of、between、behind、across from.

。其它:take a walk、have fun.


。掌握there be句型。


。掌握指路时所常用的祈使句,包括go straight、turn left/right、take the 。.。turning.


。掌握问路常用语:excuse me.is there.。.?/where is.。.?

。了解问路的其它用语:excuse me.which is the way to.。.?/can you tell me the way to.。.?



。句型:there be句型






第一课时: section a 1a-1c

第二课时: section a 2a-2c

第三课时: section a 3a-4

第四课时: section b 1a-2c

第五课时: section b 3a-3b


1、 教学策略




2、 学习策略




1、 知识目标:


。学会方位介词next to、in front of、between…and、across、behind

。学会形容词new、old、busy、quiet、clean 、dirty、big、small

2、 语言技能

。能围绕“问路与指路”的交际用语进行交际。 *能用一些形容词准确地描述和表达自己的观点。








the first period(section a 1a-1c)


ask students “where does he/she live?” “where do i live?”,give students the answer“i live in this neighborhood”(show ss the picture on the screen)。


direct ss’attention to the picture on the screen and ask ss “what’s this?”,present the names of the places on the board.

give plenty of opportunity for both choral and individual repetition of the new words.

refer to 1a and 1b in section a on p7.

target language-teach

have ss look at the picture on the screen again and ask“is/are there 。.。?”,present ss the answers “yes,there is/are.” “no,there isn’t /aren’t.”。

on the board,write the models.

have ss look at the picture and the example question and answer together,have them take turns practicing asking and answering questions.

invite volunteers to role-play their dialogs.

make a survey

organize ss into groups,have them make a survey by asking others in the group questions

yes/no where

post office






pay phone



draw one of the places with color pens.

complete the conversations according to the illustration in 1a.

.teaching aids : 篇二

the pictures of the food; a radio;a computer; a paper;

.the analysis of the students. 篇三

the students show a lot enthusiams and passions to the lesson 。

because the topic is useful and necessary in their daily lives.

they show great curiosity and inquiry.

most names of the food are familiar to them.

however some students are not familiar with some new words of the food such as beef, mutton, cabbage and so on.

besides the words of bowl , large, special are hard for them to pronouce.

some students have never seen or eaten the food in the lesson.

so i will help them to overcome these obstacles.

i will help them enjoy the fun of english 。

.the teaching goals. 篇四

1.knowlege object:

words: would, i’d, noodle, beef, mutton, cabbage, potato, special, juice, drink, bowl, he’d, he would, size

language goals:

what kind of noodles would youhe she like ? i’d he’dshe’d like …… noodles.

what size bowl of noodles would you he she like?

2.ability object:

the students are able to make the new conversations using the target languages.

they foster the ability to speak ,listen, read, and study by themselves.

3.emotion object:

let the students enjoy the english and learn by using , learn by doing.

4.learning strategy object:

self study and cooperation in groups.

.the analysis of the teaching methods. 篇五

1.the students are always the masters of the class.

the teachers are only the guides and organizers of the class activities.

in english teaching, we should make the lessons close to their daily lives ,and complish the teaching goals in the activites.

we should make the students master the ways to study in the activities.

so the teachers and students can show their initiatives and creativities at their best.

2.i adopt the task-based teaching method.

i mix the main words and main language targets into the pratical activities.

the students complish the goals through the experance of the class activities.

3.groupwork is the main teaching method in the english class.

the teacher should give the students more freedom to show and express themselves.

we should provide a stage for the students to mix the knowledge , exchange the information and share the resources 。

the teachers had better give them more praise and affirmation.

so the relations between the teachers and students are natural and democratic.

初中英语说课稿 篇六

一、说教材:本课是冀教版八年级下册第二单元的最后一课。本单元以植物为主题展开。主要学习了植物为什么重要,植物的种植步骤和植物在我们日常生活中的作用 。而本课则主要学习植物体各个部分的表达法以及他们在我们生活中的作用。




teacher ask something about last lesson

step3.learn the new words and phrases.

angriculture ,seed , pot , sprout , stem , bud , carefully , yard 。

at the top of , a flower bud , look after 。

step4.think about it 。

the lesson and answer the questions 。

1.what did danny and his classmates do to learn more about plants?

2.what happened after danny watered the seed of his plant?

3.why will danny put the pot in the yard?

4.what does danny want to send to li ming?

step6.learn the text

part 2 in “let’s do it.”




1.remember the new words and main sentences.

2、 finish off activity book.

3.preview lesson 13.

初中英语全英说课稿 篇七

good morning,ladies and gentlemen!i am very pleased to have an opportunity to talk about some of myteaching ideas.the topic of this unit is "what should i do?" from thetextbook—go for it book 8 unit 2 for junior middle school students.i’d like tosay it from 5 parts as follows:there are teaching materials,teaching methods,learningstrategies,teaching procedures and blackboard design.

now,let’s come to the first part—teaching materials.it includestwo parts,status and functions of the material and the teaching content.the thingsin the text book are appropriate to students’ interests,experiencesand knowledge;provide the students with opportunities to use the target languageand stimulate students to seek further information.in unit 2,studentswill learn to talk about problems and learn to give advice to others.so it ishelpful to improve their communicative competence.

ok,second,teaching content,which includes four aspects,the key vocabulary,the targetlanguage,important and difficult points, and the teaching aims.about theteaching aims,in this unit,students will talk about problems which students come up with intheir daily lives and learn to use modal verbs "could" and "should" to makesuggestions.the second is ability aims,to improve thestudents’ abilities of listening,speaking and readingby providing various tasks.the last is the affection aims,that is,to help eachother and learn to cooperate.

next,let’s come to the second part—teaching methods.whiledealing with this lesson,i usually adopt "task\|based" teaching approach.it aims at providing opportunities for the learners to explore bothspoken and written language through learning activities.so,i will letthe students learn in real situations,fulfill severaltasks such as pair work or group work.and in this unit thecommunicative approach and the situational language approach will be adopted.and thefocus is on functional language usage and the ability of learners to expresstheir own ideas,feelings,attitudes,desires and needs.so combine these methods together,enable the studentsto receive,process and retain new information through "multipleintelligences"。

next i’d like to talk about part three—learning strategies.i usuallytell the students some learning strategies.for four languageskills,i also tell the students to learn efficiently through strategies.saylistening,in my class i train the students to get the general ideals,makeprediction,make a reference,identify key words and signal words.about theword\|formation and the exploitation are also very important strategies.each studentcan be involved in the class by using the strategies which are suitable forthem.

ok now,let’s come to the fourth part—teaching procedures.i’ll finish mylesson in 7 steps,they are warm up—lead in—pre-|task—task—cycle—post-task—homework—self-assessment.this step-by-step progression allows students to build accuracy andgain confidence with the new language.

step1?  warm up

watch a movie called let’s play.the moviewill offer the students a relaxing atmosphere and develop students’ interest inenglish.

step2?  lead in

brainstorming,look at this,funnypicture.he looks very blue and depressed,what’ s wrongwith him?what should he do?this brainstorming stage is helpful in providing ideas for actualspeaking.by discussing with peers they can get a lot of informationconcerning the new topic they are going to learn.

step3?  pre-task

in this step i introduce the topic and give the students clearinstructions on what they will have to do.so first i willprepare some vivid and beautiful pictures to present them the new words.the studentsassociate the meaning of the vocabulary and the form of it,and theyalso practice the speaking and the listening.i’ll get thestudents to do a problem\|solving activity to help the students to recall somelanguage that may be useful for the task.i will make asummary to give a detailed explanation about the grammar point—sentencestructure "should/could"。i usually try to cultivate the learner’s unconsciouscompetence,give the students more examples.in this way,i think theywill get a further understanding of the grammar.

step4?  task-cycle

task 1—pair work.i’ll ask the students to work with their partners to learn to giveadvice to different problems using the key words and the grammatical points.task 2—listeningpractice?    i designed the (1)pre-listening activities (2) while-listening activities (3) post-listeningactivities.task 3—group work.i’ll get the students act out the conversation in small groups.

step5?  post-task

in this step,i prepared two activities.first is—let’s think.michael,coming fromusa.he wants to practice his putonghua,but he is very shy.so can yougive some advice to him?i suggest that he should get a tutor,can you give more?make a listof your suggestions.the second is—discussion.let’s take a look at the screen,from the picture wecan see the children are studying and living in the very poor condition,1.what’s the matterwith these children?2.what could they do?3.what should we do? (showing pictures) put the knowledge into the real situations,elicit thestudents to find out the most efficient ways to the problem in our country.

step6?  homework

1.ask your parentsabout if they have some problems.if they have,try to give advice.

2.make a survey aboutwho are still in trouble and try to find some solutions.

step7?  self-assessment

in the process of teaching and learning,teachersneed to know what has been done well and what needs to be improved further;where thestudents perform well and where they still feel confused.thediversities of classroom activities,and a welcoming andengaging learning environment will make the study easy and happy.thus thestudents will get more experience and exploitation by doing things.

and the last part is blackboard design? i’ll write thenew words on the left,on the right i write the target language.if possiblei’ll draw some pictures.it is terseness and easy to understand.

thank you for listening,goodbye!

初中英语说课稿 篇八



七年级(下)第三单元,围绕danny,jenny,liming 和mrs.li在北京的参观游玩活动为中心,讨论了有关打车,放风筝,照相,给家人写信,发电子邮件,购物的话题。学习形容词和副词的区别,there be 句型和表达害怕、安慰的方法。本节课是本单元第六课,它通过前几节课的学习,进一步加深对there be 句型的运用,通过乘车,指路的对话,学习指路,讨论长度的表达方法,激励学生坚持不懈,勇攀高峰的情感,从而进一步提高学生听、说、读、写的综合素质能力。



①掌握词汇及短语掌握下列单词和短语:today, turn, traffic, light, climb, true, start,in an hour, more than,


stop doing sth.

go down this street ,turn left at the traffic lights 。

--how long is it?

--it is___ meters (kilometers) long.



①通过形象、生动的教学使学生能较好地保持深厚的学习兴趣和较高的学习动机。 ②通过合作学习,对话交流,学会与小组成员或伙伴合作。





















leading—in (导入新课)(8分钟)-pre-task 指导学生先学,为完成学习课文任务做好铺垫(13分钟)-task cycle (完成任务环节) (9分钟)-post—task (检测完成任务情况:当堂训练)(8分钟)-check (小结:自我评价)(1分钟)-homework(1分钟)





stepⅰ leading—in (导入新课)



2、复习how old ,how tall, how far,引出how long的用法,学习讨论长度的句式,并加以训练,为新课的活动做好铺垫。

stepⅱ pre-task 指导学生先学,为完成学习课文任务做好铺垫(13分钟)



2、运用单词climb, true,短语 more than 和句式:--how long is it?--it is___ meters (kilometers) long.

stepⅲ task cycle (完成任务环节) (9分钟)

task 1: 回答问题,理解课文第一部分。学习语言点,提高学生的阅读能力,训练学生的听力。问题设计照顾优,中,差三个层次的学生。其中第三个问题引导学生合作学习,通过看简易地图,指路,练习指路的表达法。


task 2: 小组合作学习本课第二部分



2、 学生看课本,听录音,找出问题答案




3>分角色朗读对话 (角色jenny, danny and liming)。


2、 深入各小组参与讨论指导

3、 检查任务完成情况。讲解难点进

4、 进行朗读表演,总结评价。

stepⅳ post—task (检测完成任务情况:当堂训练)(9分钟)

1、 比一比,谁更快(抢答题--短语连线),学以致用,准确认识所学短语,训练听,说能力,鼓励学生积极回答问题,尤其激励后进生


stepⅴ check (小结:自我评价)(1分钟)


stepⅵ homework(1分钟)



unit3 lesson22

① how long 多长(长度,时间)。how old, how tall, how far

② more than 多于,超过

③ climb 爬,攀登 true 真正的 start 开始


the analysis of the textbook. 篇九

different people have different tasts and habits of the food.

unit 8 focuses on the chinese food and it specialities.

the main languge targets are “ what kind of noodles would youhe she like ? i’d he’dshe’d like …… noodles.

what size bowl of noodles would you he she like?” i’d he’d she’d like a small mediumlarge bowl of noodles.

it is an interesting topic related to the students’ daily lives.

so it is easy to arouse the interests of the students.

.teaching procedure: 篇十

before ---task:

( let’s begin the lesson with the english song “ a mouse likes rice”)

1 warm up:

play a game using the target language “ can you ? yes, i can.

no, i can’t.”

t: my boys and girls, do you like games ? (the students may answer “ yes, i do” )

t: good ! now please take out a paper ( no matter how large the paper is 。

any paper is ok!) and fold it like me ! first fold it into a square and cut the unnecessary part.

if you can fold it easily , you can say loudly “ yes, i can” if you can’t go on to fold it , you can say loudly “ no, i can’t”

t: are you ready?

s: yes!

t: ok! let’s go ! first fold it “ can you?”

s: yes, i can !

t: go on! “can you?”

s: yes, i can !

t: go on ! “ can you?”

s: yes, i can!

t:go on! “ can you?”

s: yes, i can!

t: go on! “can you?”

s: yes, i can !

t: go on ! “ can you?”

s: yes, i can!

t:go on! “ can you?”

s: yes, i can!

t: go on again! “ can you ?”

s: no, i can’t!

t: go on again! “ can you ?”

s: no, i can’t!

t: ok! now unfold the paper and count how many times have you folded?

s:seven !

t: yes ! it is impossible for us to fold more than that, no matter how large the paper is! if you don’t believe it, you can try after class! yeah! a very intersting game!

(until now the students are warm.

they have prepared themselves for the coming lessons.)

2.check the prevision of the new words.

the teacher prepares the cards of the food ahead of time.

the teacher presents the pictures to the students and the students say english together.

the teacher shows the pictures twice.

then the teacher shows the pictures to the individual students and they are expected to say english according to the given pictures.

if they can say them correctly, the teacher will send them the pictures! ( the students are eager to get them, they need the teacher’s encouragement, so they will answer them actively!)。


(1)present the words of the food and the pictures of the food on the screen.

( the student have been familiar with them)

t: do you know these food?

s: yes!

t: perfect! now i will ask a girl and a boy to lead the other students to read them.

then i will present the names of the drinks in the same way.

until now all of the new words of the food have been presented to the students.

t: look at these words please ! my students , can you find the differnces between these words?( the teacher says so while she is pointing to the “s” added to the words.


s: a student may stand up and give his answers!

present a collection of pictures of food and ask the students to category 。

t: look at these pictures ! which are uncountable words and which are countable words? volunteers!!????

s: a student may stand up to show him.

(2) lead into the class using “ what kind of vegetables would like ? ---i’d like ……。

present the pictures of the vegetables like : carrots, cabbages, broccoli, potatoes, tomatoes, and so on!

t: “ what kind of vegetables would you like?”

s: i’d like tomatoes.

( they say it together)

t: what about you ? (point to a student)

s: i’d like ……

the teacher leads the students to read the target languages and makes the students to practice the conversations in pairs.

the teacher asks several pairs to show them 。

then the teacher presents the pictures of the meat like : beef, mutton, chicken, fish ……

the teacher asks the students using the target languages “ what kind of meat would you like? i’d like ……。”

the teacher calls several students to answer and then let them practice in pairs.

later, the teacher names several pairs to show them.

the teacher presents the pictures of the noodles.

the teacher leads the students to express the kinds of noodles according to the pictures on the screen.

then the teacher asks the students to use the target languages “ what kind of noodles would you like? i’d like ……。


the teacher gives them minutes to practice and then asks them to present their conversations.

cheer for them at the duly time.

3.while --- task.

(1)t: please turn to p47 and match the words with the pictures and let them check with their partners.

then the teacher presents the answers on the screen.

(2) let’s move on to activity 1b on page47.

the students will listen to the radio twice and then check the answers.

(3) present different sizes bowls of noodles.

( small, medium, large)

t:boys and girls, do you want to eat noodles?

s: yes!

t: what size bowl of noodles would you like ?

s: i’d like small mediumlarge bowl of noodles.

teacher asks the students to answer the questions and then let them practice in pairs.

three minutes later, the teacher asks the pairs to show their conversations.

(4) guessing game!

the teacher shows the picture of a strong boy on the screen.

let the students guess what size bowl of noodles would he like? he’d like a ________ bowl of noodles.

then the teacher asks several pairs to present their guesses.

then the teacher shows the answer “ small”

let the students who guesses right put up their hands and cheer for them.

(5) let the students turn to p48 。

listen to the tape and do 2a 。

then one student gives his answer and the teacher shows the right answers on the screen.

let us go on activity 2b 。

the students will listen to the tape twice and fill the blanks.

then the seated students check the answers with their partners and the teacher presents the correct answers on the screen.


(1) role play.

t: my boys and girls, do you want to have noodles?

s: yes!

t: good! let us go to the noodle house to have noodles!

one is a waiter, the other is a customer.

just act it out!

three minutes later, the teacher calls three pairs to act it!

(2) make a survey!

make a survey in the groups using the language goals :

they may do it like this :

a: hello peter! what kind of noodles would you like ?

b: i’d like beef and cabbage noodles.

a: what size bowl of noodles would you like?

b: i’d like medium bowl of noodles.

a: hello sally!。

then the teacher asks the students to report the survey like this :

i’d like egg and tomato noodles.

i’d like a small bowl of noodles.

peter would like beef and cabbage noodles.

peter would like a mediun bowl of noodles.

and sally.

5 check themselves!

do the exercise on the paper.

the exercise includes two parts: check yourselves and challenge yourselves!

6 summary!

the teacher asks a student to sum it up , then the teacher help him add

7 let us end the lesson with the english song “ a mouse likes rice”


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